Sunday, February 8, 2015

Honoring Sabbath Margin in Life

My Womens' Bible Study finished  Breathe, by Priscilla Shirer this week. I always enjoy her studies and feel this one would be especially good for working mothers.

Shirer taught about the Sabbath and how it's not just on Sunday. We need to keep 'margin' in our lives so that we have time and space for God. I whole-heartedly agree with the concept of having margin in our lives. Since taking early retirement, I've actually had this experience and would not trade it for anything. I've become a much better person because I take time to enjoy the margin in my life. I wish I'd learned how to develop boundaries in my life when I was a young working mother. It keeps things, hobbies, work, and relationships in their proper place. As Shirer said, you only have one God and your allegiance is to him not your desire for other things. Once something is allowed to creep past its appropriate place in your life, it becomes a type of idolatry. She practices Honoring Sabbath margin in life as well, and in the video gives many excellent examples. She's so very right, it takes discipline to decline some of what life offers, but the Sabbath and the Sabbath Margin offers us the freedom from activities that keep us so busy.

This is the big idea I marked in my book: "When you choose to have a Sabbath heart about  your activities and possessions, you're doing more than just keeping yourself from living a stress-filled, clutter-laden life. You are also honoring God's purpose by setting aside space and time to foster holy intimacy. The break we take form the regular pattern of our lives in any area gives us occasion to see Yahweh clearly without the distraction and distortion of excess."!4443!3!45743281917!b!!g!!priscilla%20shirer%20breathe%20bible%20study&gclid=CjwKEAiAjNemBRCgp_vymcvVym0SJACRp_UZZBoUxsHVEp49rJAbsCS8rBQ4VvZPB2L0OshzdQpYYRoCMsXw_wcB&ef_id=Usrv1gAAASvPZu8z:20150208005445:s

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