Monday, April 27, 2015

The Christian Church in the World

We had the most extraordinary speakers for Sunday School classes last week. Brian and Kathy Chaplin are missionaries from the United Kingdom who are serving in France. Initially, I thought France was a rather odd place for Christian Missionaires, but I soon learned how small the Church is in France, and in the rest of Europe as well. Compared to the U.S., the Church in Europe is very small. I had no idea! The church they serve in France has only about 25 people in the entire church - and that is considered a good size for a church there!

Brian had been a minister in the United Kingdom and upon retiring they decided to move to France.  Brian shared about his experience with street ministry and  Speakers Corner in Hyde Park. I can't imagine preaching and having people throw things at  you.

As he spoke, Brian echoed my thoughts about how there have been several antichrists: Napoleon, Hitler, Islam etc. He said that even though times are scary, he doesn't worry, he has hope. Then he reminded us to read Matthew 24.

I love how Kathy described their faith, she said their life was blank sheet of paper on which God would write what he would have them do. It was a marvelous treat to have a glimpse into their lives and their outlook on Christianity in today's world. They are exemplary disciples for Christ and their small congregation in France is blessed to have them.

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