I love gardening, or at least my raised bed vegetable
gardens. Just being in the garden is a place of relaxation and joy. Every
morning I walk and check everything to see if anything got "attacked"
overnight by bugs, deer, or other varmints. After an inspection I make a plan
for what to do that day. Again at night Gary and I walk by and check and
comment on what's going on. Everyday there is something to do. One day it might
be weeding or thinning or transplanting. Another might be pruning or staking.
Some days are fertilizing and spraying. Every single day the plants must have water and of course, sunshine. Vegetable plants will not grow without plenty of sun.
There are a lot of daily things to do in a garden. Skipping
a day can cause problems, but definitely skipping a number of days will mean
less vegetables to enjoy. It's very much the same way with our spiritual lives.
Just as We must plant in good soil to develop strong plants and root systems,
so must we have willing hearts and minds to receive God's love and let it grow.
Prayer and the word, fellowship with other Christians, and giving of our time,
talents and money is the fertilizer, water, and sunshine to have our
relationship with God flourish. And, the vegetables we harvest are the love and
experiences with the Lord that we share with others. Nothing that I buy at the
store is as good as what I go pick directly from my garden. There is no
substitute. That is exactly the same as the relationship we have with the Lord.
There is no substitute for His love and salvation.
As we enjoy our Garden Get Away I hope we will let the Lord
grow his Garden of His fruits in our lives.